Health of Health Index


As a nation renowned for technological advancements, medical breakthroughs, and a commitment to patient care, the US healthcare system continues to face complex challenges in providing accessible, affordable, and high-quality healthcare to its citizens. The US significantly outspends comparable OECD countries in healthcare, but this does not result in extended life expectancies, improved healthcare outcomes, increased healthcare innovations or reduced morbidity.

Discovery & Design

This report delves into a comprehensive analysis of the state of healthcare in the US, shedding light on three main parameters: the patient population (demand), the payer / provider (supply) and R&D (future state). By dissecting intricacies of the US healthcare landscape, this report aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the current and future state, allowing policymakers, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders to navigate the challenges and identify opportunities for improvement. It also serves as a foundation for informed discussions and evidence-based decision-making, promoting a collective effort to enhance overall healthcare for all Americans.

Our Impact

  • Generated a concise report centered on 20 impactful metrics that assess the health of the US Health Care system
  • Developed insightful questions for both policy makers and decision makers that will help drive discussions around how we might improve the state of the US Health Care system
