Grants Lifecycle

We go beyond meeting the technical requirements of grants management to assist our clients in implementing a comprehensive, streamlined grants process, from pre-to-post-award, where awards realize their intended impact on communities.

Making grant awards count and purposefully driving impact in communities worldwide

Grant awards can play such a transformative role from revitalizing communities, to stimulating job growth, and stabilizing distressed economies. 

Because of this, organizations in resource-constrained environments need to identify their desired outcomes, design their grant programs accordingly, and rigorously monitor their progress in order to increase executional certainty that outcomes will be achieved and resources won’t be wasted.

Our clients turn to us as strategic advisors and experts in evaluating grant applications to design and execute strategically aligned grant awards that yield sustainable, high impact to communities in America and abroad – from the US to India, and Brazil.

Our holistic grant management approach brings together designers, customer experience experts, and technical assistance partners to help our clients align their desired outcomes with the design and execution of grants.

How we can help you achieve your desired outcomes through more efficient grant operations

  • Assist organization with framing the problem they want to solve, and understanding what their customers and cohort will need
  • Develop Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) (i.e., purpose, desired outcomes), evaluation process, governance framework, and support structure development
  • Collaborate with organization on evaluating applicants, and coordinating convening evaluation panels
  • Manage the program milestones, budget, and performance measures, and provide cohort support that enables enhanced outcomes
  • Collate lessons learned to support future grants and goals


Facilitating the Fair Distribution of $1B in Grant Awards