Shaping the Future of Medical Research


A large government research agency sought to increase its ability to perform world-class medical research in order to drive new treatments, improve patient outcomes, and fundamentally change the arc of healthcare. The agency called upon our deep healthcare and innovation expertise to help analyze its existing body of research and identify gaps in the broader research landscape where the organization could dedicate more resources.

Discovery & Design

After building a deep understanding of the agency’s strategic and research goals through numerous leadership/researcher interviews, our team developed and deployed a Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool to quickly analyze over 575,000 oncology studies, nearly 20,000 suicide studies, and over 23,000 studies in other research areas. We synthesized insights and proposed opportunities where the client could make investments to better align its research to its strategic priorities.  

Driving Impact

Enabled the agency to prioritize investments in research that addressed key gaps in the landscape and with significant opportunities to improve patient outcomes.
